Calling service providers & consultants in ALL industries:

Wanna find out how you can design a $6,000 VIP Week so you can work less and earn more?

With Design Your VIP Week – a 2.5-hour instant access online masterclass – you'll find out how to design AND sell a win-win high-ticket VIP Week that both you and your clients love.


x2 month payment plan available

"I sold 5 VIP slots in the space of about 6 weeks"

Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would come up with not one but two really solid VIP offers that I'm so excited to move forward with, to market and to share with the world.”

- Melissa Payne, Storyscout Digital

"With this training, I was able to create a VIP model and I sold 5 VIP slots in the space of about 6 weeks – without ever actually promoting the offer.

It's hard to find this valuable information anywhere. Not many people in the industry dive into this in as much detail."

- Zoe Heard, Get Heard

You HATE the idea of offering a high-ticket (AKA high-stress & high-pressure) VIP Day. But a VIP *WEEK*? You can get on board with that 🙌

I tried doing VIP Days back in 2020. I hated every minute of them.

I spent the entire day watching the clock.

I was a bundle of nerves, stressing about…

🥴 Whether I’d get the work done in time…

🥴 If the final deliverable would even be any good…

🥴 If my client would like what I’d produced…

🥴 The fact that I definitely wasn’t being paid enough for the vast amount of work I was doing in just 5-8 hours…

By the end of the day, I was exhausted.

“Never again,” I thought to myself.

BUT I still loved the idea of making more money in less time.

My only issue with the VIP Day was the “delivery in a day” aspect, and the stress that came with it.

A few months later, when I was pregnant and needed to up my rates (sans stress) so I could start saving for my self-funded maternity leave FAST…

I sat down and started mapping out my own unique VIP offer.

An offer that gave me more time to do the work and that paid me significantly more too –

The VIP Week – priced at $4,200-ish per week.

That was back in 2021.

Today, I charge $6000 for a VIP Week.

(That's 12-15 hours of work)

My VIP Week worked and I was able to sell it to clients pretty easily.

So easily in fact, that even *I* was surprised!

I thought there’d be more pushback, more objections – but once clients heard my pitch they were happy, excited even, to pay me.

The VIP Week was so successful that it helped me hit almost 6 figures the year I was pregnant with my second baby. (Even though I only worked 3 quarters of that year).

Thanks to this offer, I was able to take on more projects at a higher rate – but still work fewer hours than ever before.

It helped me take 7-8 months out of my business for maternity leave AND it helped me have one of my biggest revenue months ever just weeks after returning to work post-maternity leave.

After that experience, I couldn't look back.

In fact, for a year and a half the ONLY service I offered to clients was my VIP Week.

VIP Days were out and VIP Weeks were IN.

For good.

YOU'RE ready to start earning more working fewer hours too, but you're driving yourself crazy with all the questions you can't answer

Questions like...

  • Which service/s should I offer as part of my VIP Week?
  • Once I sell a VIP Week, how the hell do I pull it off?
  • What deliverables should I offer?
  • Can I really produce quality work for my clients in such a short amount of time?
  • How do I create boundaries that keep me sane but also respect my clients?
  • Can I handle the pressure of such a time-sensitive offer?
  • How much should I charge?
  • How do I justify my price to my clients?
  • How do I position this offer so it's attractive?
  • What does a great (but fast) onboarding process look like?
  • How do I manage client expectations?
  • How can I get all this stuff done in a week?
  • How do I answer when a lead asks me, "What if you don't finish the project in time?"
  • What if I don't finish the project in time???

It's enough to put you off creating your VIP Week... which is exactly why you haven't created your VIP Week


Because with my help, your VIP Week could be up and running within 7 days.

(And nope, it doesn't matter what business you're in, or what your niche or specialism is – or even if you have one. As long as you're a service provider or consultant, this masterclass is made for you).

Imagine being able to...

  • Perfectly position your offer so you can sell a premium VIP Week in a 30-minute sales call
  • Create a VIP Week business model that is flexible and works around your lifestyle (whether that lifestyle involves kids, travel, or hobbies)
  • Ditch the system that means every single one of your projects go on and on (and onnnn) for months at a time. Instead, you get to decide the time frame
  • Feel confident that you've done a great job for your client, even though you only spent a fraction of your week on their project
  • Understand the systems and tools you need to get your VIP Week offer up and running in one week
  • Confidently decide what to include in your VIP Week offer so you can provide the best value to your clients (and also the best use of your time and expertise)

"This masterclass had ALL the answers. It gave me tactical tips to make money."

"So, VIP Weeks seem like this mysterious thing that coaches do and make thousands of dollars, right?

I certainly thought that. There's no way a service-provider can create such a fast-and-dirty service and charge boogoo bucks for it. ("Wouldn't the client feel like the work was rushed? A week feels like too little time for my brain to come up with good work...")

I had #AllTheQuestions and let me tell you, this masterclass had ALL the answers. So much so, that I changed my entire business model after this to VIP Days/Weeks only.

After over 4 years of wielding words to the point of burnout with drawn out projects and pricing that left much to be desired, Eman's masterclass gave me the tactical tips I needed (not just the strategies, but the actual "here's what to do") to make money in a short-time frame on my terms (aka, doesn't need to be a day if I don't want it to be – among other things).

This is getting long, but the point is this:

Get the masterclass. Do exactly what Eman suggests in the masterclass. It's the easiest and quickest way to build your biz with clients who've got their stuff together AND to make the kind of money that makes you feel like an expert." 

- Alicia Castro


Design Your VIP Week

The instant access 2.5-hour online masterclass that gives you a behind-the-scenes walk-through of a $6,000 VIP Week so you can design your own win-win high-ticket VIP offer.

(One that you AND your clients both love)


x2 month payment plan available

"I made the most amount of money in my business purely from two VIP Weeks."

Design Your VIP Week is suitable for service providers and consultants in all industries. Here's what you'll learn...

In Design Your VIP Week, you'll get a behind-the-scenes walk-through of my $6000 VIP Week process and have your business-stagnating questions answered.

All so you can design a win-win high-ticket VIP Week that you and your clients love.

You'll find out...

  • The inner workings of the Upgraded VIP Week method that allowed me to create more white space in my calendar, and earn more in less time (without feeling like I'm working against an anxiety-inducing countdown timer)
  • How to position your VIP Week so it's more attractive to your prospects. (Hint: Your VIP Week doesn't have to be a downsell)
  • How to structure your VIP Week and find time to do everything you need to
  • Which easy add-ons raise the value of your offer
  • The key to an onboarding process that sets you up for success
  • The delicious deliverables that justify your high-ticket price and keep your clients coming back for more
  • The offboarding strategy I use to turn one VIP Week project into another (Yay to retaining those clients!)
  • My VIP Week pricing history, so you can find out how I jumped from charging £997 to £3250 in just 5 months (and then to $6000).
  • How to identify whether or not a client or project is a good candidate for your VIP Week, so you can avoid unhappy customers, refunds, and falling into the pit of "I'm not good enough".
  • How to be a 5* communicator without needing to communicate with your clients the whole time
  • The mistakes I made on the road to refining my offer, so you can learn from my errors and skip straight to the good part

You'll also get >>

  • The Q&A session where I spend nearly 30 minutes answering questions from business owners. I'm sharing this (pre-recorded) session with you because I KNOW you'll have the same questions, and these answers will help you break through whatever's holding you back from launching your own offer.
  • Lifetime access because sometimes you just need to hear a thing more than once for it to sink in

"I pitched two VIP Weeks this week and both clients are interested!"

The only thing I won't share in this masterclass?

My templates.

When you join my 12-week course, Like a Boss: The Course, you'll get access to ALL my templates, examples of copy I've delivered to clients, over-the-shoulder videos showing you how I deliver my copy to clients, and loads more.

But all this juicy goodness is reserved for my course students only. If that sounds like you something you absolutely want, consider joining Like a Boss too.

But wait. Who the heck am I to show you how to design your VIP Week offer?

Hey! I'm Eman Ismail – email strategist and copywriter who went from charging £10 an hour to $6000 per VIP Week.

But this only happened after I threw out the traditional day rate model and figured out how to make VIP Weeks work for me.

I went from being unable to sell a $350 VIP offer to ONLY selling my high-ticket VIP Week within a couple of years. In fact, my price jumped from £997 to £3,250 in just 5 months. Then to $4000. Then to $6000. (Yepp, I switched currencies in that time).

And now that I know how to design and sell a successful VIP Week, I want to share what I know with you – because my VIP model has changed my life. And I'm pretty confident it can change yours.

(PS. My past clients include Being Boss, Interact, Belinda Weaver, Samar Owais, and Copyhackers!)

Instead of working on 2-month long projects that stress me the heck out, suck the joy out of my business, and drown me in work on weekends...

...I make more money in less time so I can spend my weekends doing the stuff I want to do with my two lovely kids.

And the icing on the cake?

I get VIP Week testimonials like this ⬇️

(See?! You CAN create impactful work that your clients love – even when you only give yourself a week to do it. These business owners have been able to do it too ⬇️)

"I'm finally ready to start selling my VIP offer"

x2 month payment plan available

I know you've still got questions.

Here are all the answers you're looking for 👇🏾

1. "Design Your VIP Day vs Design Your VIP Week. What's the difference?"

Back in 2022, I released my masterclass Design Your VIP Day – which was actually all about creating a VIP Week.

Confusing, right?

Which is why I've updated the masterclass and relaunched it as Design Your VIP Week.

The other big difference between these two versions is that Design Your VIP Day was only made for copywriters.

But I've updated all the content so that Design Your VIP Week is made for ALL service providers and consultants. So copywriters and non-copywriters.

2. “Who is Design Your VIP Day Week for?”

Design Your VIP Day is a pre-recorded 2.5 hour masterclass for service providers and consultants who are interested in developing their own VIP Week, but can't figure out how to create one that works for them.

Maybe you've heard other business owners talk about their VIP offers and wish you could offer something similar.

Maybe you've even sold a couple of VIP Days and you've realised VIP Days are not for you. But VIP Weeks might be.

Or maybe you've sold a VIP Week or two, but you lowballed yourself, or felt like it didn't go how you wanted it to.

Either way, this masterclass will walk you through my Upgraded VIP Week offer so you can create the flexible, high-ticket offer you've been dreaming of.

3. "You're a copywriter, Eman. Will your advice only be applicable to copywriters?"


I've designed this masterclass so it's suitable for ALL service providers and consultants – no matter your industry, niche or specialism. Or maybe you don't have a specialism. That's fine too.

My focus will be on helping you create your own offer rather than copying mine (unless you want to of course) – so the type of business you're in or the type of service you're selling doesn't matter.

Of course, some of the examples I share will be from my own copywriting business – however, I'll be sure to translate this for you so you understand how it can apply to your business.

4. "I don’t have a niche. Is that okay?"

That's totes fine. See above :)

5. "I already offer a VIP Day or Week. Will this still help me?"

If you're already offering VIP Days, this masterclass will teach you how to design and sell a VIP Week.

And if you're already offering your own VIP Week, yes this masterclass will help you.

There's still so much you can take from my Upgraded VIP Week method that'll make your VIP offer even better and even more profitable.

6. "When and where is this masterclass happening?"

It's already happened! You'll be getting a recorded version of the LIVE masterclass I ran. As soon as you pay, Design Your VIP Week will automagically appear in your inbox and you'll be able to watch it immediately.

7. "How long will I have access for?"

You'll have forever access to the masterclass.

8. “Do you offer refunds?”

Yes, I'll give you a full refund as long as you request it within 7 days of signing up for Design Your VIP Week.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me and my team an email at

9. “Anything else I should know?”

Yes. There's one thing this masterclass won't give you...

And that's my templates.

When you join my 12-week course, Like a Boss, you'll get access to ALL my templates, examples of projects I've delivered to clients, over-the-shoulder videos showing you how I deliver my projects to clients, and loads more.

10. “How do I sign up?”

Hit the button below 👇🏾 pay the amount, and the masterclass will land in your inbox in minutes.

x2 month payment plan available