Freelance Fiasco

A Free Monthly Meet-up for Business Mishaps and Mayhem

Live Ask Us Anything Session • Last Thursday of every month • 1pm-2pm BST / 8am-9am ET


Only 100 spots available per monthly meeting

Samar Owais- Emails Done Right

Eman Ismail - Eman Copy Co.

Freelancing is great. You set your own hours, you get to be your own boss, and you choose your own clients.

It's great until...

...until you’ve got a situation you can’t Google your way out of.

Or you need advice and aren’t sure who to turn to.

There’s no denying that freelancing can be a confusing, lonely, isolating affair.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Our Freelancer Fiasco meet-ups are monthly Ask Us Anything sessions where you can come and ask us questions about your business, share your struggles, and get feedback and/or advice from us.

Bring us your questions about freelancing, copywriting, pricing, dealing with clients… whatever’s got you stuck or worried. 

Too shy to do so publicly? You can submit your questions anonymously.

When do we meet? Last Thursday of the month.

Where do we meet? You’ll get a link emailed to you soon as you sign up!

Watch our first ever Freelance Fiasco Meet-Up and get a taste of what you're missing ;)

Join us for our 1-hour live session where we'll...

⚡️ Answer your freelancing questions

⚡️ Provide a safe space for you to share your challenges and struggles

⚡️ Share what’s happening in the freelancing community and industry at large

The best part?

You’ll get to meet other freelancers face-to-face. (Don’t worry, we’ll give you prompts to break the ice.)

If you’ve ever wanted a hotline to have your most pressing questions answered or a business bestie you could turn to for support… this is your chance!

We'll be there every month. You can join us every month, or whenever you feel like you need the extra support.

Just don't forget to book your spot. There are only 100 spots available per meeting, and it's first-come, first-served :)