Get the real, raw, and unfiltered behind-the-scenes stories & strategies of a 6-figure business owner

Join the Mistakes That Made Me: Private Membership for casual coaching & bite-sized bonus content released every Friday


"Eman dives deep into the lessons, the processes, and the mistakes. She does NOT hold anything back. You always learn something new"

"Getting a behind-the-scenes look into Eman’s business has been so much fun!

I love seeing how she runs it. She dives deep into the lessons, the processes, and the mistakes, and she does NOT hold back any information.

When I first joined the membership, I quickly realised it was a perfect extension of Eman's newsletter and podcast and I found myself looking forward to the next update.

It’s like a chat with a business friend – you always learn something new."

– Anja LordaniΔ‡ MustaΔ‡, Podcast host at Freelance Business Unlocked Podcast (

Loving my podcast or newsletter?

You'll love this Private Membership even more

When you join, you'll get instant access to my private podcast.

The private podcast is where I'll share one bite-sized piece of bonus content every single Friday.

Content like thisπŸ‘‡πŸ½


A Private Q&A Series with Eman

Submit your business questions to me. I'll do a deep dive into ONE question per episode so you can really get the most out of my answer.


Extended Guest Interviews

Get access to extended interviews with Mistakes That Made Me guests. Be a fly-on-the-wall and listen to us talk through the topics we didn't get to cover on the main podcast.


Eman’s Bite-Size Business Diary

If you love my long solo episodes, you'll love my Bite-Size Business Diary (just 10-20 mins long).

Follow me in real-time as I share the behind-the-scenes of my business, mistakes I'm making, lessons I'm learning, and the business and podcast-related projects I'm working on.


Monthly Private Newsletter

Find out all the Mistakes That Made Me (MTMM) news before everyone else.

This monthly round-up shares MTMM info, what's happening inside the membership, and what's coming in the future.

"I love that we get a sneak peek of what's going behind the scenes of Eman's successful business. It makes me feel like I'm not alone"

"I love the fact that we can submit questions and Eman answers them. I also love that we get a sneak peek of what's going behind the scenes of her successful business.

When she talks about her launches, her processes, how she grows her business, her ups and makes me feel like I'm not alone in this journey.

It's nice to see how someone who's ahead of me and who's successful manages their business."

– Naciba, Email copywriter at CopyGlam

"My favourite thing is getting to know Eman's roadmaps and the reasons behind some of her decisions."

"I love that we have the opportunity to send Eman questions and to listen to the extended conversations with Mistakes That Made Me guests.

But my favourite thing is getting to know Eman's roadmaps and the reasons behind some of her business decisions.

Having the opportunity to learn behind-the-scenes strategies and connect with Eman on a deeper level is the cherry on top!"

– Reme Mancera, Personal Brand Story Strategist

Wanna get a taste of what's inside?

Listen to the teaser epsiode below πŸ‘‡πŸ½

Or check out some of the topics I've spoken about over the last couple of monthsπŸ‘‡πŸ½'ll get instant access to all these episodes too (and more!) if you join the membership today

  • BTS of my (VA) hiring process - Bite-Sized Business Diary (25 mins)
  • Prepping for my agency launch - Bite-Sized Business Diary (24 mins)
  • A walk-through of my new $60K offer - Bite-Sized Business Diary (20 mins)
  • My failed launch – Bite-Sized Business Diary (20 mins)
  • Q&A: "I struggle to network. How do you do it?" (16 mins)
  • Q&A: "What's the ideal way to sell on email?" (15 mins)
  • Q&A: 3 things I'd do if I were starting my business all over again (16 mins)
  • Q&A: 5 things that helped me grow my business to 6 figures (21 mins)
  • Securing your first podcast interview, how to set boundaries around speaking opps, & tips for promoting your interviews with Mai-kee Tsang - Extended Interview (26 mins)
  • Finding balance, discovering your "story" & overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Gloria Chou - Extended Interview (30 mins)

"The latest private podcast episode was AMAZING!"

Here's how this membership works

1. As soon as you join, you'll get instant access to the private podcast. You can immediately dive into all the past episodes and start bingeing!

2. A new episode is released every Friday. (What to know what you can expect? Scroll up this page a little)

Note: All content is pre-recorded and shared on the private podcast, so you can listen to it on the go. There is no live or community element to this membership.

You in? πŸ˜πŸŽ‰πŸ‘‡πŸ½

"There are tons of actionable nuggets I can incorporate into my own business. I've had my own question answered and I went and jotted notes when I listened to the episode!"

"I love getting a behind-the-scenes peek at Eman's business! The Q&A episodes are my favourite because they're universal across lots of different business types. (I'm a service provider, but my work is very different to Eman's).

There are tons of actionable nuggets of info in there that I can incorporate into my own business. I've had my own question answered and I went and jotted notes when I listened to the episode."

Eman is also quite vulnerable in the membership, which I find super admirable in a culture where we're pushed to fake it until we make it as business owners.

I look forward to the pink podcast artwork popping up in Pocket Cast each Friday, knowing my pal's voice will be in my ears telling me something new. I feel like I'm catching up with a friend."

– Kate Burgener, Interactive workbook designer at Kate Burgener Creative

"It's like I'm no longer doing business alone but getting support from a mentor – someone who's walking in my shoes."

"What do I love most about the membership? The transparency and how Eman shares her business stories and processes so freely.

Processes are something I've struggled with, so getting insight into Eman's has been super helpful.

It's like I'm no longer doing business alone but getting support from a mentor – someone who's walking in my shoes."

– Dr. Ayebanoa Sapphire Benwari, Learn With Sapphire


"I don't listen to Mistakes That Made Me. Will this membership still be valuable for me?"

This membership was created an extension of my podcast, but you don't have to listen to my podcast to benefit from it.

The majority of the content is completely unrelated to my podcast, except the extended guest interviews (and you can still enjoy those without listening to the main guest interviews).

"When will you deliver the bonus content?"

Every Friday!

The private newsletter will be delivered to your inbox on the last Sunday of every month.

"HOW will you deliver the bonus content?"

All content is pre-recorded and shared on the private podcast, so you can listen to it on the go.

Once you join, I'll give you the link to access the private podcast. You'll be able to listen to it using the same podcast platform you use to listen to Mistakes That Made Me :)

"Is there a live element or community element to this membership?"

Nope! All bonus content is delivered on the private podcast.

"Will you publish extended interviews with every Mistakes That Made Me guest?"

Some guests will agree to give an extended interview, others won't. For that reason, I can't promise extended interviews will happen with ALL guests.

"How does this 7-day trial work? What am I committing to cost-wise?"

You're agreeing to pay $1 to join the membership on a 7-day trial.

Once those 7 days are up, you can decide if you're going to stick around or not.

If you choose to stay, you'll be charged $11 once your 7-day trial is up. Then you'll be charged $11 a month after that. You can cancel your membership at any time.

If, after your trial, you decide you don't want to be part of the membership, all you have to do is cancel your subscription before the 7 days are up and you won't be charged.

I'll send you a reminder email so you know when to make your decision by :)

"If I want to cancel my membership, how can I do that?"

You can cancel your subscription and membership anytime through your customer hub. The link to this hub will be on every invoice and in every private membership-related email I send, so you can always find it :)

You can cancel your membership at any time. There's no commitment necessary, there are no surprises, and no hidden costs either.

"Do you offer refunds?"

No, due to the nature of this membership, I don't offer refunds.

You can cancel anytime. When you do your membership access will be revoked and no more payments will be taken from you.

"I have LOTS of questions I want to submit to you. Will you be able to answer them all?"

You'll be able to submit questions and topic requests, and then I'll answer the best and most helpful questions for everyone.

Can I guarantee all your questions will be answered? No.

But I promise I'll try :)

"Will the price always be $11?"

No, it won't be. The price will increase sometime in the future. But if you join now, you'll be grandfathered into this price and you'll never have to pay more than $11.

Sound good?

"I love Eman's transparency around financials, and what's worked and what hasn't"

"I love Eman's open and honest account of running and building a business.

And her transparency around financials, what's worked and what hasn't."

– Keir Whitaker, Marketing consultant at

"This real, raw, and unfiltered content is refreshing"

"In this picture-perfect social media world, hearing real, raw, and unfiltered content is particularly refreshing."

– Anja LordaniΔ‡ MustaΔ‡, Podcast host at Freelance Business Unlocked Podcast (

Support the mission. Support the show.

Did you know the Mistakes That Made Me podcast has an actual mission?

Yepp! That mission is to normalise making mistakes and help business owners accept failure as an important and necessary part of business-building.

We do this by –

πŸŽ™οΈ Having open and vulnerable conversations about the mistakes made by extraordinary business owners.

πŸŽ™οΈ Sharing actionable business lessons, advice, and strategy so we can all do better in the future.

I LOVE creating Mistakes That Made Me episodes for you, and I think this mission is an important one.

If you also believe it's important for us to keep having honest, raw, thought-provoking conversations about the realities of being in business...

Support the mission and the show by joining this private membership.

In return, you'll get more of the podcast. More of our mission. More of the guests. And more of me.

And you can expect it to continue being the multi-award-winning kinda content you're used to ;)